Sunday, April 22, 2018

subject to change

     Well hello!  Good to see you!  Come on in, there’s cake!
     How about this weather?  For all I said before, I can’t help but love when the sky is not blasting ice-pellets into our faces, I have to admit it.  And it is as comfortable this weekend as it was un-comfortable last weekend.  And it’s nice to be able to walk outside without having to walk like a penguin. 
     Not that I have anything at all against penguins.  Naturally.
     Ah!  You’ve noticed the new antlers then!  Yes – I first felt them bud up after I had that epiphany with Elen, and then they arched over like you see now while I was working on some deep healing work the next day.
     Oh and that Narrow came back – he’s in the other room now, studying the books.  Earlier I was thinking that if I told you this, and then if you asked me if I’d ‘named’ him yet, I would answer that he would have to tell me his name – but just as I was thinking that, he brought me a book open, and pointed with one claw to the word “clover”, next to a picture of a clover-flower.  “Is that your name?” I asked him, and he nodded brightly, eyes turned up into shining crescent-moons.
     So now I know. 
     It suits him, and it’s a fitting name for a wild being who wants to associate himself with me.  Clover is one of my favourite wild plants, and I have taken extensive macro-photo portraits of clover flowers over the past several years.
     He sometimes helps with magick too, and he’s very polite.  I’m happy he came back!
     One of my other guides was here recently too – a vibrant crone-type named Marigold.  She’s great, powerful, full of wisdom and laughter, I so love her.  She approved of the cottage but urged me to do more with it, make more use of it.  I love the idea.  I have a Fortress kind of place in the NOR – not far from here, as the NOR landscape rolls – and had been constructing various rooms in it for various types of workings, but this place, this cottage, would be even more suitable for most of what I do – and I like the idea of having an NOR space to do stuff in, especially in a pinch when one is out in the walking-around world, perhaps riding on the subway or something, and not able at that moment to sit in a quiet space and physically cast runes or what have you.
     Also, I saw I was wearing those pale-purple robes again, while she was telling me this, so I am thinking those are my robes I wear when I’m here, which is really neat to know.
     Of course, that might change.  But they are the ones I am wearing currently.
     That’s one fascinating aspect of working with the NOR which you will certainly notice when you work in it for any amount of time.  Things do not always look the same way.  Guides do not always look the same way.  Gods do not always look the same way.  Even places, like this cottage, are more than likely to change themselves over time.  And I love it!
     Take my dear Anubis for example.  Most of the time I do see him in a very specific way, which is with a very fine coat of all-black fur, but that is not always the case.  One time I saw him for a few days in a rich dark-brown colour.  One time I even saw him as a full-black two-dimensional cutout-looking cartoon version of himself, peeking around crowds and corners, leading me through with a winsome playfulness.
     And so articles of clothing as well, worn in those realms, can also change readily.  One of the first times I noticed this was with a pendant I had from one of my healing-guides.  When I first received it, it was three linked-together small pieces of wood, with three gold-coloured bells at the bottom.  But I quickly noticed that it was different almost every time I visited the NOR space with that guide – sometimes it was plain polished wood, but one time it was painted with all swirling sea-colours, another time each piece of wood was painted a different primary colour.  It became one of the fun things to do, to check it every visit.  I never tried to interpret the differences at the time – it was just what it looked like that day.
     I suppose one could – as one could with everything, no matter what reality one was seeing it in – take that moment and meditate on what each unique appearance was specifically saying to one on that particular day at that particular moment, by appearing as it currently was.  There are depths of meaning in every moment, ripe for mental-mining, and it always will enrich you if you choose to do so.
     But you don’t have to.  You can always just choose to enjoy the wonder of the changes without trying to work out what it means to you.  That’s fine too.
     Same with dreams.  I loved and kept records of my dreams for years before I even considered interpreting them.  I loved them as the exciting, vivid, magic things they were, and in my writing there is more work that had its seed from a dream than from pretty much any other source.  The fact – fact – that they also held layers and layers of deep meaning, that would expand and enrich my life when discovered, was really just icing on the cake, when I finally got around to it.
     Speaking of cake, is that still good?  I had it from yesterday but the icing tends to keep it fresher – and it’s been covered too.  Also, Clover hasn’t been at it – he doesn’t like cake, himself, as he showed me with a hilarious expression which involved his tongue out on one side, his eyes made into shining X’s, and multicoloured swirls and stars briefly displaying around his head.
     Good.  With all the inherent change, NOR food does seem to keep well enough!
     But of course, it’s a beautiful day.  I’m so happy you stopped by!  Do take some cake for the road, and mind the cat – she’s been pouncing around the front garden all morning already!
     Take care!  Happy Spring-Weather-At-Last!

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